marathon futurex

 The landmark, multi-award winning Marathon Futurex is a commercial high-rise located in the centre of Lower Parel's business sector. You need look no farther—Futurex is THE address to use for your company.

Offices from 500 to 2,000 000 square feet that are ready for occupancy

A short stroll from the Lower Parel monorail station and the Curry Road and Lower Parel stations.

OC was given

Huge floor plates that can total up to 65,000 square feet on a single level.

11 lakh square feet of functional office space, accommodating more than 7,500 workers.

Futurex provides 500 square feet to a massive two hundred thousand square feet of area. Our spacious, 52-foot-long, column-free areas provide you a lot of design freedom and efficiency.

At Futurex, a single floor may house up to 800 workstations.

Futurex is a gold-rated building that achieves significant energy savings of 20-30% and water reductions of 30-50%. It also helps to keep workplace operating costs in check thanks to careful design and planning.

Cutting-edge HVAC system cuts costs by up to 55%*.

Large double-glazed windows provide plenty of natural light while keeping heat out.

The in-house facilities crew handles all upkeep, and shared amenities allow businesses to save money on having them in their offices.With spacious, well-lit workspaces, a multitude of facilities, and plenty of open areas to unwind, your staff will like coming to work every day.


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